Thursday, December 19, 2013

Roof is finished!

The roof finally got done today just as the first drops of rain started falling. Uncanny!  It looks so amazing! There is a whole back story to my roof story which I will include one day. I did some last minute Costco-ing (Is that even a word?) in the pouring rain to celebrate the roof.  And the rest of today was spent cleaning up the debris (still not done). 

I decided to make this recipe for broccoli cheddar soup that I had been dying to try before my kitchen got bombed. In short, it was perfect! One day I will get the hang of this blog thing and post beautiful step by step photos but today you will have to forgive me and settle for a link and a finished product pic! The soup is perfect with some crusty bread! (And a side of rain...)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The roof is leaking rain, debris, ants, the apocalypse

Today marks day two of project NEW ROOF. We have a vaulted ceiling so all the debris is falling everywhere. It is a divine mess.  Perfect day to start a blog if you ask me.  The new skylights are going in, too.  Hooray!  Our family will be officially broke at the end of this endeavor but Merry Christmas to us right?